Thursday, December 28, 2006

Remebering 2006

In so many ways, 2006 has been the hardest year of my life. The two people who gave me that life left me. But in many other ways, 2006 will go down as the most cherished year of my life, perhaps second only to the year I got married.

In the midst of sadness, there was profound happiness.

In the midst of tears, there was the realization of remarkable love.

In the midst of loss, there came great discovery.

In the midst of pain, there was enormous healing.

In the midst of sorrow, there was unbelievable comfort.

In the midst of confusion, there was indescribable clarity.

In the midst of chaos, there was amazing peace.

In the midst of anguish, there was perfect solace.

2006 will always be remembered as the year that I realized how much Jesus did for me, how much God loves me and how much my friends love me. It was the year that I finally knew what it meant to be happy.

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